报告题目:Exploring incivility in the workplace 工作场所不文明行为的探索研究
报告人:Heath Gregg
Dr. Heath Gregg will share his research on workplace incivility. Delving into a series of comprehensive research projects, Dr. Gregg unravels the complexities of this prevalent workplace issue, offering profound insights and practical solutions. His endeavors include a measurement validation project aimed at assessing and refining existing assessment tools, and several qualitative explorations employing techniques such as the Critical Incident Technique (CIT) to uncover nuanced perceptions of incivility, one of which has been recognized as a best paper finalist for the Academy of Management Conference. This presentation promises to provide a deep understanding of workplace incivility and its implications, inviting academics, researchers, and HR professionals to engage in a thought-provoking discourse on fostering respectful and inclusive organizational cultures.
Heath R. Gregg,组织行为学博士,在组织行为和领导研究方面具有深厚经验。现任迈阿密大学迈阿密赫伯特商学院管理系担任助理教授。他的研究成果已在《Journal of Management》、《Journal of Organizational Behavior》和《the Leadership Quarterly》等顶尖期刊上发表。此外,他担任过多家知名期刊和会议评审专家。
撰稿:徐畅檬 审核:陈文婷 单位:工商管理学院
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