报告题目:OMT理论前沿:Decomposing Both/And: SMART Strategies for Balancing Paradoxical Opposites
腾讯会议(线上):243-100-278 (https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/Jx8pFcx1SpAC)
Organizational paradox literature points out the importance of both/and thinking and acting. While the notion of both/and is largely treated as a unitary concept, paradox scholars have associated it with diverse responses to paradoxical tensions, such as ambidexterity, Yin-Yang balancing, and Zhong-Yong middle way. To bring order to the literature, this paper aims to decompose the notion of both/and, and identify generic strategies for balancing paradoxical opposites, i.e., to hold or achieve both elements of a paradoxical tension simultaneously. We first review existing classifications of approaches to paradoxical tensions, resulting in the identification of six distinct non-either/or responses. We then use these distinct responses to help build a typology to accommodate and relate ten generic strategies, falling into five categorical types characterized as superficial, multiversal, amalgamative, reconciliatory, and transcendental, respectively (and hence the SMART acronym). Finally, we propose a prescriptive model of selection of generic strategies under different circumstances.
李鑫,博士,英国纽卡斯尔大学商学院副教授(长聘教职)。研究领域为企业战略、国际商务、管理悖论、中国本土管理等。在《Academy of Management Review》、《Management and Organization Review》、《Asia Pacific Journal of Management》、《Journal of Management Inquiry》、《南开管理评论国际版》等国内外学术期刊发表论文三十余篇,在AOM、AIB、SMS、IACMR等学术会议上宣读论文五十余篇。任多家知名国际管理学期刊编审委员。2015年获丹麦嘉士伯基金会资助,研究中国后发企业的国际赶超现象。
【推荐阅读资料】Li X. Quantum approach to organizational paradox: A Copenhagen perspective. Academy of Management Review 2021, 46(2), 412-415.
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