报告题目:Multichannel Effects of Mobile Infeed Advertising
With infeed advertising becoming an increasingly popular advertising tool for advertisers to reach mobile consumers, the authors propose an integrated model of contemporaneous, carryover, and spillover effects to measure the incremental contributions of infeed ads in multiple types of mobile apps: newsfeed, social, and video. They empirically examine the three proposed effects of newsfeed ads, social feed ads, and video feed ads using data from a large-scale ad campaign for a new mobile game. The data set contains 10,115,801 impressions, 286,506 clicks, and 12,706 conversions. First, the findings show that social feed ads have the strongest contemporaneous effects on both ad clicks and conversions; social feed ads are 1.87 times more likely to generate a click and 1.69 times more likely to generate a conversion than newsfeed ads, followed by video feed ads (clicks: 1.73 times; conversions: 1.55 times). Second, video feed ads have the strongest carryover effect, followed by social feed ads, while newsfeed ads have a negative carryover effect. Third, newsfeed ads exhibit the strongest spillover effect is the strongest for newsfeed ads; prior newsfeed ad exposures are more effective than prior social or video feed ad exposures at promoting clicks and conversions upon subsequent exposure in other channels.
庄梦舟,博士毕业于美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校,现为香港大学经管学院助理教授。他的研究专注于新的媒体、新情景、新的渠道模式和新的社交环境中,企业的广告、定价以及销售策略的设计与优化。他参与了与可口可乐,淘宝,苏宁,网易游戏,百度等多个国内外知名企业的咨询项目。他在研究中主要采用计量模型、现场实验、非参数估计、机器学习等方法分析企业或消费者层面的数据,从而提出对企业,消费者和政策制定者有价值的建议。现已在工商管理领域的一流期刊发表多篇文章,包括Information Systems Research, Journal of Marketing等。
撰稿:金轩竹 审核:陈文婷
单位:工商管理学院 营销战略与数字化营销研究中心
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