硕士生导师————Khalil Jebran
姓名:Khalil Jebran
2016 – 2019 博士
2012 – 2014 硕士
2008 – 2012 本科
Associate Professor at School of Business Administration, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, China (December, 2020 – ).
Corporate Governance, Research Methods, Advanced Management.
1) Jebran, K., & Chen, S., Zhang, R. (2019). Board diversity and stock price crash risk. 2019 China Research in Accounting and Finance Conference, 29th to 30th June, 2019 at Tongji University, China.
2) Khan, A., Qin, L., Jebran, K., & Irfan-Ullah (2019). Uncertainty and R&D investment? Does product market competition matter? 2019 China Research in Accounting and Finance Conference, 29th to 30th June, 2019 at Tongji University China.
3) Chen, S., Xu, L., & Jebran, K., (2019). Does Confucianism reduce corporate tax avoidance? Evidence from China. 2019 Global and Chinese Accounting and Finance held at Shandong University of Finance and Economics, Jinan, China 11th May, 2019.
4) Chen, S., Yan, Ye., & Jebran, K., (2019). Does Confucianism reduce corporate overinvestment? Evidence from China. The 6th National Youth Forum on Corporate Governance, held at Liaoning Technical University, Huludao, China on 26th May, 2019.
5) Jebran, K., & Chen, S., (2018). Corporate governance, ultimate owner and target cash holdings: Evidence from China. International Academic Conference on Management, Economics, Business and Marketing in Budapest, Hungary, 14 March, 2018.
6) Iqbal, A., & Jebran, K., (2016). Principal-principal agency conflicts and corporate payout policy. Evidence from China. 11th International Conference on Asia Pacific Financial Markets at Seoul, South Korea at 4-5th December, 2016.
1. Jebran, K., Chen, S., & Zhang, R. (2021). Board social capital and stock price crash risk. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 1-42. (ESCI – ABS3)
2. Chen, S., Chen, Y., & Jebran, K. (2021). Trust and corporate social responsibility: From expected utility and social normative perspective. Journal of Business Research (SSCI– ABS3).
3. Iqbal, A., Ali, F., Umar, M., IrfanUllah, & Jebran, K. (2021). Product market competition and financial analysts' forecast quality: The mediating role of financial reporting quality. Borsa Istanbul Review (SSCI).
4. Jebran, K., & Chen, S., (2021). Can we learn lessons from the past? COVID-19 crisis and corporate governance responses. International Journal of Finance and Economics (SSCI– ABS3).
5. Umar, M., & Hung, H., Chen, S., Iqbal, A., & Jebran, K., (2020). Are stock markets and cryptocurrencies connected? Singapore Economic Review (SSCI – ABS1).
6. Chen, S. Xu, L., & Jebran, K., (2020). The effect of Confucian culture on corporate tax avoidance: Evidence from China. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja (SSCI).
7. Yun, J., Ahmad, H., Qu, L., & Jebran, K., Muhammad, S. (2020). Cash holding and firm performance: Does firm-specific factors matter? Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja (SSCI).
8. Bhat, K, Yan, Chen, & Jebran, K. (2020). Role of Debt Capacity in the Interaction of Financial and Investment Decisions: Evidence from China. Financial Innovation (SSCI).
9. Chen, S., Xu. H., & Jebran, K. (2020). Social trust and tunneling? Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics (SSCI – ABS2).
10. Khan, A., Qin, X., & Jebran, K. (2020). Uncertainty and leverage nexus: does trade credit matter? Eurasian Business Review (SSCI – ABS2).
11. Chen, S., Ye, Y., Jebran, K., & Majeed, M. A., (2020). Confucianism culture and corporate cash holdings. International Journal of Emerging Markets (SSCI – ABS1)
12. Khan, A., Qin, X., Jebran, K., & Rashid, A., (2020). The sensitivity of firms’ investment to uncertainty and cash flow: Evidence from listed state-owned enterprises and non-state-owned enterprises in China. SAGE Open (SSCI).
13. Khan, A., Qin, L., Jebran, K., & Irfan-Ullah (2020). Uncertainty and R&D investment? Does product market competition matter? Research in International Business and Finance (SSCI – ABS2).
14. Bhat, K., Chen, S., Yan, C., & Jebran, K. (2020). Debt capacity, debt choice and underinvestment problem. Evidence from China. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja (SSCI)
15. Jebran, K., Chen, S., & Zhang, R. (2020). Board diversity and stock price crash risk. Research in International Business and Finance, 51, 1-19. (SSCI – ABS2).
16. Jebran, K., Chen, S., Tauni, M. Z. & Ahmad, H. (2019). Corporate governance, ultimate owner and target cash holdings: Evidence from China. SAGE Open (SSCI – ABS2).
17. Chen, S., Cai, W., & Jebran, K., (2019). Does social trust mitigate earnings management? Evidence from China. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, (SSCI – ABS2).
18. Tauni, M. Z., Memon, Z., Fang, X., Jebran, K., & Ahsan, T., (2019). Influence of investor and advisor Big Five personality congruence on futures trading behavior. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade (SSCI – ABS2).
19. Jebran, K., Chen, S., Ye, Y. & Wang, Q. (2019). Confucianism and stock price crash risk. Evidence from China. North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Vol 50, 100995 (SSCI – ABS2).
20. Jebran, K., Chen, S., & Zhu, D. H. (2019). Board informal hierarchy and stock price crash risk: Theory and evidence from China. Corporate Governance: An International Review (SSCI – ABS3).
21. Khan, A., Qin, X., & Jebran, K., (2019). Does uncertainty influence leverage-investment association in Chinese firms? Research in International Business and Finance, 50, 134-152. (SSCI – ABS2).
22. Jebran, K., Chen, S., & Tauni, M. Z. (2019). Principal-principal conflicts and corporate cash holdings. Evidence from China. Research in International Business and Finance, Vol 49, 55-70. (SSCI – ABS2).
23. Jebran, K., Iqbal, A., Bhat, K., Khan, M. A., & Hayat, M. (2019). Determinants of corporate cash holdings in tranquil and turbulent period. Evidence from an emerging economy. Financial Innovation, 5(1) (SSCI).
24. Chen, S., Ye, Y. & Jebran, K., (2019). Does Confucianism reduce corporate over-investment? Evidence from China. Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies, 48(2), 210-235. (SSCI – ABS1)
25. Jebran K, Chen, S., Saeed, G., & Zeb, A., (2017). Dynamics of oil price shocks and stock market behavior in Pakistan. Evidence from pre and post financial crises. Financial Innovation 3:1. (SSCI)
26. Jebran, K., & Iqbal, A. (2016). Dynamics of Volatility spillover between stock market and foreign exchange market: Evidence from Asian countries. Financial Innovation, 2(3) 1-20. (SSCI)
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